HEALTHTECHAI Leading the way to Efficient and Faster Spinal Injury Surgeries

With a report from WHO on the growing number of cases of spinal injuries worldwide, we are now in dire need of technologies that can help us reduce these numbers. As per a report, around 250 000 to 500 000 people suffer from Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) worldwide.

The injury does not only traumatize the person physically but more than 80% of people fall into depression after injury. Mortality risks are the highest in the first year of the SCI, thus we need to focus more on the initial days of the injury.

There are various factors associated with the rising cause of SCI. The number of trauma caused by road traffic accidents is the highest while incidents due to any disease are the least. Other reasons include acts of violence and sports-related injuries. Falling is one of the major reasons for trauma, however, no such reports have been clinically proven to reduce it.